Spring Road after 2014 fuels reduction project (Photo by Bob TeSelle)
Southwest Shore Documents
This section includes various operational and historic documents that Southwest Shore owners and families may find interesting or useful. Note that some these are large documents, so you may not want to view these documents on mobile devices or on an internet connection with a limited data plan. Be patient while downloading!
Southwest Shore Colony Operating Plan and Architectural Standards -- July 1998
The Southwest Shore is a state and federal historic district, and as such, the cabin owners must adhere to certain special procedures and standards, in additional to the normal rules and standards prescribed by the Forest Service for Recreational Residences on Forest Service land.Big Bear Southwest Shore Historic District -- Nomination for Listing on the National Register of Historic Places -- January 1983 (9.5 MB)
This nomination form contains verbal descriptions of the Southwest Shore area, of each individual cabin, and of the signicance of the tract as a historic place. Be sure to scroll through the document to find pictures of many of the cabins and the surroundings.Historic Architectural Survey Report for Big Bear Bridge Replacement Project -- CalTrans -- November 1989 (18 MB)
This CalTrans report contains quite a thorough description of the Southwest Shore Historic District, including descriptions and pictures of each individual cabin.The Secretary of the Interior's "Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (http://www.nps.gov/tps/standards.htm)
Preservation Briefs – a series of 47 reports published by the National Park Service on historic preservation issues including #26, "The Preservation and Maintenance of Historic Log Buildings"; and #3, "Roofing for Historic Buildings." ( http://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs.htm )